Valentine Day 2023 Romeo Juliet William Shakespeare Sad Ending Of Their Love Story Will Bring Tears To Your Eyes

Valentine Day 2023 Romeo Juliet William Shakespeare Sad Ending Of Their Love Story Will Bring Tears To Your Eyes

Romeo Juliet Love Story: Valentine’s Day 2023 is celebrated on 14 February. This day is dedicated to loving couples. Although there are many such love stories in the pages of history, examples of which are given, but the story of Romeo-Juliet is different. The story of this true love was written by William Shakespeare which was published in the form of a book in 1597. Let’s know about this love story of Romeo-Juliet and how this story had a sad end.

Romeo-Juliet Love Story (Romeo Juliet)

This story is the story of a kingdom named Verona whose prince was Prince Escalus. Two famous families lived in this state, in which one was Capulet and the other was Montague. The old enmity was going on in both the families. Their mutual fight was famous in the entire state of Verona. There was a boy named Romeo in the Montague family, who once disguised himself as a friend of the Capulet family. Very beautiful girls were dancing in this party. Then Romeo’s eyes fell on a very beautiful girl, seeing whom he was mesmerized. This girl’s name was Juliet. Juliet was also looking at Romeo with similar eyes. Both had fallen in love with each other at first sight.

Romeo and Juliet knew full well that their families would never allow them to marry because of their enmity, yet, they somehow got married secretly. Unfortunately, before their wedding night, Romeo has an altercation with Juliet’s brother Duell. The dispute increased so much that he killed Duel. In the morning, Romeo insists Juliet to leave him because if he ever comes to that city again, he will be killed.

After Romeo leaves town, Juliet’s parents tell her that it has been decided to marry her to a boy named Paris. Juliet’s parents did not know that Juliet was already married to Romeo. Lyte refuses to marry because she had planned to run away with Romeo by faking her death. He took a lot of sleeping pills to make it look like he was dead and then he could be put in the tomb from where he would later escape.

Romeo knew nothing about Juliet’s plan. When this news reached Romeo, he broke down badly. He felt that Juliet was really dead and thinking so, Romeo gave his life by drinking poison. When Juliet’s intoxication subsided, she was stunned to see her lover’s dead body in front of her. He killed himself with Romeo’s knife and both said goodbye to the world together.

After the death of these two, both the families ended their enmity forever. After this both the families together made a huge statue of Romeo and Juliet. In this way Romeo-Juliet became immortal because of their true love.

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